Hatton House Diaries

One day, we decided to buy a 125 year old Victorian House in Des Moines, Iowa…….

Urban Tour de Cluck May 10, 2014

Filed under: Urban Farming — hattonhousedsm @ 8:35 am
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wpid-20140510_005829.jpgI have been a badly behaved blogger. Our house is on the Urban Tour de Cluck, and here I am telling you about it mere hours before the event. See, I’ve been writing a book, Passionate Soccer Love, a Memoir of 20 Years Supporting US Soccer. It has taken up every moment of spare time in my life for a very long time, but it’s taken up all the moments for the past several months. You want to know where all my Hatton House projects went? Now you know…

I digress. The TdC people called me because our house is near another house on the tour and they wanted two stops in River Bend. If I didn’t have two hundred things going on right now, I would totally be down with being a stop on the tour. And my answer to her was “I think we can. What time do we have to be available? ” thinking there was no way I’d be able to fit the tour schedule into our insanity schedule of soccer games. She answered….but here’s the thing….her answer came in an avalanche of email that I ignored. I saw it but really figured if she didn’t bug me again, I was off the hook.

Then this packet of stuff got dropped off at my house on Thursday with a shirt and sign for Tour de Cluck and a map printed with our address on it. All I could do was laugh.

So yes, we are on the Tour De Cluck. Sorry to everyone I told we were not on the tour! Ours will not be the prettiest, but our chickens are pretty funny and our kids have created their own Roxaboxen like in the book by Alice McLerran. It should be something to see. See you on the tour!

Information about the Tour can be found on their Facebook page here. 


2 Responses to “Urban Tour de Cluck”

  1. Rebecca Bishop Says:

    Had a great time on the Tour de Cluck – thanks for having us over!!

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