Hatton House Diaries

One day, we decided to buy a 125 year old Victorian House in Des Moines, Iowa…….

Willowsong Midwifery and Sustainable Architecture at Green and Main July 1, 2016

13567322_1247065885305776_3956780907685438015_nIt’s rare for a project to come about that ties together so many things I love, but the “Heart of a Seed” project on Kickstarter is way up there. It is the sustainable rehab of a historic building in Des Moines that will eventually house the midwifery practice that supported me through my last two pregnancies. The husband and wife team behind this project are both friends of mine, and I’m writing to spread the word about the last week of their Kickstarter. As an added bonus, the next reach goal will fund a mosaic by my friend, Nicole K. James. I hope you’ll be interested in backing this project.

Cosette Boone is an amazing midwife. I’m quite sure I would have lost my baby had I not sought her care. She honored my concerns, helped me get blood tests, treated me with kindness, and even sought out research about my condition to help me stay calm while we treated and waited. We chose to use her services at Willowsong Midwifery/Healing Passages because I knew I’d get the highest quality prenatal care, and because the community she and her staff have created would allow me to build relationships with other mothers in my baby’s age cohort, which is important to any woman, but particularly one returning to babydom after a long break. Because of their Village philosophy, I left care with a circle of friends all mothering babies roughly the same age as my daughter.

Chaden Halfhill is a friend from my past as a representative in the architectural community. I’ve admired the craftsmanship of his firm, Silent Rivers, for many years, and he was one of my partners in running the Natural Living Expo for several years. His vision for community revitalization through preservation is one that resonates with my own philosophy, and the spaces he creates through that vision are beautiful and award winning.

Through this project, we have the opportunity to help create a preservationist minded spaced for families to welcome their babies into the world in a space that’s physically beautiful and spiritually grounding. We can save a historic building and create a safe out-of-hospital birthing experience for generations to come.

Please join me in giving what you can to help this project meet their reach goal of $46,368.