Hatton House Diaries

One day, we decided to buy a 125 year old Victorian House in Des Moines, Iowa…….

Day 20-21 – Minimalism Game – Flatware From Another Life November 20, 2013

Filed under: Family Stuff — hattonhousedsm @ 9:38 am
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$_57Remember how I hate selling things? I have a ton of stuff that falls into that “not willing to let it go/sell it”category. It’s so much easier to put the flatware from the beginning of our marriage in a box and forget about it. It was a really nice set, but looked kinda silly next to the new plates we got in….wait for it….2006. So I’ve had this set of flatware in a box for SEVEN YEARS. Because you could save it for the kids, for the apartment they might have 15 years from now. Or should I sell it to Replacements? Or Ebay it?

UGH! Decision time! Ebay it is. http://www.ebay.com/itm/321251514094


2 Responses to “Day 20-21 – Minimalism Game – Flatware From Another Life”

  1. $215. Who knew my clutter was worth $215?!

  2. […] the background, waiting to mail the silverware and collectibles out from our Ebay haul. Remember my silverware stash?  It sold for $214.05. Not a bad haul for junk in a […]

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